https://www.twtcsc.org.tw/contact.html 中華民國購物中心暨商業地產協會 https://www.twtcsc.org.tw/images/corpimg.png 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段285號5樓 $ 02-6639-8299 【宗旨】 本會為依法設立的非營利為目的之社會團體,以服務會員、促進同業之交流與成長、提昇購物中心暨商業地產產業之經營管理能力,並整合產業資源與創造價值,帶動經濟之繁榮發展為宗旨。同時也代表同業做為政府溝通橋樑,解決相關法令規章問題,以促成國內購物中心暨商業地產產業之健全發展,發揮購物中心暨商業地產之龍頭角色地位,期能帶領台灣的購物中心暨商業地產相關產業與國際接軌。  【使命】 1. 提昇台灣購物中心暨商業地產之整體發展形象與國際地位2.  關於政府制定購物中心暨商業地產相關發展政策之意見反映3.  關於購物中心暨商業地產相關理論之研究發展與技術推廣4.   關於購物中心暨商業地產之相關人才培養與教育訓練5.  促進國內外購物中心暨商業地產之相關產業資訊整合與技術交流6.  聯繫國際性購物中心暨商業地產相關會議之參加事項 【歷史沿革】 1990年代初期,台灣的購物中心產業仍屬於萌芽階段,為推廣台灣購物中心產業的發展,乃於1994年7月7日成立「中華民國購物中心發展協會」(SCDC)推動相關事務。隨著20世紀末大型購物中心陸續成立,並為台灣消費市場帶來新的革命,本協會乃於2002年5月更名為「中華民國購物中心協會」(TCSC)。歷經二十餘年的努力,至今本會會員遍佈全國,目前約有二百多名會員,包括開發商、購物中心經營者、零售商、建築設計顧問公司、顧問管理公司、市場行銷專家、智慧零售科技業者、智慧地產科技業者、學術專家及公共事務人員等等。   近年來購物中心的開發結合多樣商業地產的趨勢明顯,且多家會員及非會員公司集團事業體亦涵蓋各類型商業地產。本協會遂於2022年12月第十二屆第一次會員大會全體與會會員通過,更名為「中華民國購物中心暨商業地產協會」(TCSCRE),依此可有效擴大協會涵蓋的產業範圍,納入各類型商業地產相關業者,包含開發商、建設公司、投資融資機構、營運商、產業生態系內所有相關廠商,以爭取更多會員加入,擴大協會的服務範圍。 本會同時是國際購物中心協會(ICSC)及亞洲購物中心協會(CASC)會員,並持續與國際上其他國家的購物中心暨商業地產相關協會如英國購物中心協會(BCSC)、日本購物中心協會(JCSC)、北京的Mall China、及上海購物中心協會(SCSC)…等保持著密切的連繫與交流。 【服務內容】 加入中華民國購物中心暨商業地產協會將會讓您和您的公司享受會員專屬優惠,並藉由建構豐富的官方網站、FB、Line等社群網絡發佈購物中心暨商業地產的會員活動消息。我們也會是您的盈利夥伴,協助您透過網路、教育、科研、資訊發展等方式拓展業務,因此作為協會會員,將能提高您在行業內的知名度並融入一個充滿活力與世界各地數以萬計同行業者保持聯繫的群體。 【理事名單】 【監事名單】 【聯絡資訊】 秘書處/編輯室 陳奕賢 秘書長電話:886-2-7711-1008 / e-mail:happychen@twtcsc.org.tw莊婷婷 主任電話:886-2-7711-1008 / e-mail:tinachuang@twtcsc.org.tw傳真:886-2-6639-8479地址:臺北市敦化南路2段97號2樓 【About TCSCRE】 In the early 1990s, Taiwan's shopping center industry was still in its infancy. In order to promote the development of the shopping center industry in Taiwan, the" Shopping Center Development Association of the Republic of China" (SCDC) was established on July 7, 1994, to accelerate related initiatives. With the opening of large-scale shopping centers one after another by the end of the 20th century, a new revolution was brought to Taiwan's consumer market. Therefore, the association was renamed to be "Taiwanese Council of Shopping Centers" (TCSC) in May 2002. After more than twenty years of effort, the council’s members now come from the entire country, with over two hundred members including developers, shopping center operators, retailers, architectural design firms, management consulting companies, marketing experts, smart retail solution providers, smart property tech companies, academic experts, and public affairs specialists, among others. In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend of integrating various types of commercial real estate into the development of shopping centers. Many member and non-member corporate groups also encompass various types of commercial real estate. In December 2022, TCSC is renamed to be "Taiwan Council of Shopping Centers and Commercial Real Estate " (TCSCRE), which effectively expands the scope of industries covered, including developers, construction companies, investment and financing institutions, operators, and all other related businesses within the industry ecosystem. The aim is to broaden the council’s service coverage and attract more members. TCSCRE is a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) and the Council of Asian Shopping Centers (CASC). It maintains close connections and communication with other country’s shopping center and commercial real estate-related such as the British Council of Shopping Centres (BCSC), Japan Council of Shopping Centers (JCSC), Mall China in Beijing, and Shanghai Council of Shopping Centers (SCSC), among others. 【Goal of TCSC】 The objective of the council is to serve its members and promote growth of the industry. It aims to enhance the management capabilities of shopping centers and commercial real estate, integrate industry resources, and create value, thereby driving the prosperity and development of the economy. The council also acts as a communication channel between the industry and the government, resolving issues related to laws and regulations, and promoting the healthy development of the shopping center and commercial real estate industry. It plays a leading role in the shopping center and commercial real estate sector, and aims to connect Taiwan's industry with international counterparts. 【Mission Statement】 Enhancing the overall development image and international standing of Taiwan's shopping center and commercial real estate industry. Reflecting opinions on the government's formulation of policies related to shopping centers and commercial real estate industry. Research and development of theories related to shopping centers and commercial real estate, as well as the promotion of technological advancements. Cultivating and providing education and training for talents in the shopping centers and commercial real estate industry. Facilitating the integration of industry information and technological exchange in the shopping centers and commercial real estate industry, both domestically and internationally. Handling matters related to participating in international conferences and events related to shopping centers and commercial real estate. 【Services】 Taiwan Council of Shopping Center and Commercial Real Estate (TCSCRE) will provide you and your company with exclusive membership benefits. You will have access to member-exclusive offers and discounts to its events activities. The TCSCRE also maintains a rich online presence through its official website, as well as social media platforms such as Facebook and Line, where you can stay updated on member activities and industry news related to shopping centers and commercial real estate industry.  We will also be your profit partner, assisting you in expanding your business through avenues such as online platforms, education, research, and information development. Being a member of TCSCRE will enhance your visibility and reputation within the industry. Moreover, you will become part of a dynamic community and have the opportunity to connect with tens of thousands of industry practitioners worldwide.
https://www.twtcsc.org.tw/ 中華民國購物中心暨商業地產協會
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